Oboe Players How the band thinks we sound. How mom thinks I sound. What society thinks we get when we go to college. What I think I do. What society thinks we do.. What I actually do.
Study History What my friends think I do. What my mum thinks I do. What society thinks I do. What my teacher thinks I do. What I think I do. What I actually do
School Nurse What my friends think I do. What my mom thinks I do. What society thinks I do. What my boss thinks I do. What I think I do. What I actually do.
International Development What my friends think I do. What science students think I do What society thinks I do What my mom thinks I do What I think I do. What I actually do.
Early College Student What my parents think I do What my grandparents think I do What my neighbors think I do What other high schools think I do What society thinks i do What I really do
UPS Driver What my truck load is. What the other drivers think my truck load is. What my frinds think I do. What society thinks I do. What my daughter thinks I do. What my wife thinks I do. What my boss thinks I do. What I think I do. What I actually do.
Paintball What My parents Think I do What Other Guys think I do What Airsofters Think I do What Noobs Think I do What I think I do What I actually Do
I'm in a Metal Band What society thinks I do. What old people think I do. What the church thinks I do. What my parents thinks I do. What I think I do. What I actually do.
Store Manager What my friends think I do. What my mom thinks I do. What society thinks I do. What my boss thinks I do. What I think I do. What I actually do.
Homeschooling What society thinks it is. What my relatives think it is. What my kids think it is. What school teachers think it is. What I think it is. What magazine articles think it is. What other parents think it is. What other kids think t is. What is really is.
Gaming What I think I do. What my friends think I do. What my mom thinks i do. What society thinks I do. What my teachers think I do. What I actually do.
Teacher What my friends think I do. What my mom thinks I do. What society thinks I do. What my students thinks I do. What I think I do. What I actually do.
Drinking What my friends think I do What my parents think I do What society thinks I do What my body thinks I do What I think I do. What I actually do.
Spanish Majors What my friends think I do What my mom thinks I do What my boss thinks I do What society thinks I do What my professors think I do What Spanish natives think I do What my books say I do What I think I do What I actually do
English Major What my friends think I do. What my dad thinks I do. What society thinks I do. What math majors think I do What I think I do. What I really do
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